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𖤐 before you follow: twitter = desahogo, hablo de mi vida, subo canciones que me gustan y suelo hablar de astrología.
no hago parte de ningún fandom :-).

don't follow if 𖤐: te tomas el kpop en serio, xenofoba/o, menor de 14, pro vida, te quejas de todo, fan del xokas o de dalas, sidera con complejo de esquizofrénica.

𖤐 love: música, luca, italia, ari y juan ♡, astrología, harry potter, series, el diario de la princesa, anne with an e, heartstopper.music 𖤐: zoé the band, ferxxo, bad bunny, bts, loona y ggs, bmth, siddhartha, enjambre, tøp, bmth, tupac, mac demarco.

𖤐 chat :D !!
puedes dejar un msj o lo que quieras :p

// Mouseover/ Click sound effect- by JavaScript Kit (www.javascriptkit.com) // Visit JavaScript Kit at http://www.javascriptkit.com/ for full source code //** Usage: Instantiate script by calling: var uniquevar=createsoundbite("soundfile1", "fallbackfile2", "fallebacksound3", etc) //** Call: uniquevar.playclip() to play sound var html5_audiotypes={ //define list of audio file extensions and their associated audio types. Add to it if your specified audio file isn't on this list: "mp3": "audio/mpeg", "mp4": "audio/mp4", "ogg": "audio/ogg", "wav": "audio/wav" } function createsoundbite(sound){ var html5audio=document.createElement('audio') if (html5audio.canPlayType){ //check support for HTML5 audio for (var i=0; i